I sparked an interest in going to China, in February 1996, after hearing a National Geographic lecture about finding an emperor's tomb in Xi'an and the self discovery of the journalist as he traveled and learned amongst the Chinese culture. 13 years later I embarked on my own path to self discovery...
The Tiger Years:
Lara's Chinese Odyssey: from Huaibei to Harbin, Harbin to Shenyang, Shenyang to HohHot, HohHot to the United States, the United States to Xi'an, and the adventures scattered in between...
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Another one bites the dust...
So I've had a few inquisitive propositions from friends on why I haven't been posting, especially about recent events, and now that many of you readers if not all now know that I am back in the States. Some of you readers haven't seemed to happy or enthusiastic about resorting to using NY Times articles as a cop out.
I had posted that I would continue and do a proper update once the dust settled. The dust while I was over there has settled. But it's not necessarily settled in a way that I want to post publicly over social media, whether it be on this blog or through facebook.
That being said, it's not something that I am completely and utterly opposed to discussing, however, like I said, I don't feel that discussing this matter is something I wanted posted publicly for EVERYONE'S business, because, frankly, it's not everyone's business. Feel free to drop me an email, or call. I'd be happy to field questions.
This also being said, it is in fact important for me to at least mention a disclaimer. While living abroad, there are always going to be frustrations. If I have expressed disdain or frustrations, whether it be to you or on this blog, it wasn't in any way directed to the last place I worked. I may have asked for suggestions on how to deal with certain situations, or people, but again, most of those are usually going to be based on one's own personal experience with a place, whether it be somewhere you work, go to school, or live, but I don't have any beef with the school I now no longer work for. The standards and expectations are high, and things are fairly approached and discussed and while the dust rose at a time when the country was at unrest over various issues, which made it more difficult to ultimately choose the outcome of how the situation was going to be resolved. The last few weeks of my time there, I had a lot to consider, and it's certainly never easy choosing or developing in areas that you don't have much of your own personal experience to help make sound or proper judgements. However, with the bumps in the road, overall things were done fairly and I've come to an understanding of my own. That's all I'm going to publicly say on the issue. Like I said, feel free to contact me personally if you so choose to get further details.
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