The Tiger Years:

Lara's Chinese Odyssey: from Huaibei to Harbin, Harbin to Shenyang, Shenyang to HohHot, HohHot to the United States, the United States to Xi'an, and the adventures scattered in between...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


So The whole idea of consistently writing in a blog while in China has been an Epic fail endeavor, as now I've been in China for over a year and a half now and I have a total of 8 posts or some low number like that. However, I've been thinking, that I really do want to start this up more consistently now, as I'm on a far better routine.

I left Shenyang nearly 5 months ago, and moved to HohHot, Inner Mongolia, China. The city itself is pretty low end. The annual income is pretty minuscule for a lot of people who work here, however, also being the capital city of the province, there's a lot more going for it than a lot of the other cities in the province.

I've overall enjoyed the change. I've begun to enjoy teaching properly and am begining to flourish with teaching the young kids, to the point where they divided up one of my teenager classes so I could teach more kindergarten age children. The trick about working with 5 year olds is that you really have to have no shame in acting like a complete and utter douche.

I've made a decent friend, but at times I often do question my judgement in the idea of maintaining it, because at times it doesn't seem to be a decent friendship, but then at times, it surprises me.

I'd be curious to know what people are hoping to read as a I develop the blog further.